ParrotDefi | Polygon

Why Polygon?

Polygon is a scaling solution for Ethereum. Polygon aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions on Ethereum using full stack scalling solution sidechains, which are blockchains that run alongside the Ethereum main chain. Users can deposit Ethereum tokens to a Polygon smart contract, interact with them within Polygon, and then later withdraw them back to the Ethereum main chain.

Polygon is one of the main players in DeFi, and it is currently leading the full stack scalling solutions for Ethereum.

After successfully launching on Arbitrum and IoTeX, Parrot Defi built a strong community and an honest and professional reputation. This compounds the foundation of the next logical step for Parrot Defi, to launch in one major network, with a larger amount of users, Polygon.

What we've learnt

Fairlaunch has been the team's choice for initial token distribution in their previous Dapps, which is ''kind of'' fair. Even though there is no perfect way to launch a token and start a farm, we've experienced the main challenges of a fairlaunch.

After receiving so much feedback from the community, the team realized not everyone is gonna ever be able to buy the token at the same price at a fairlaunch. That's why we decided to go with an small Presale.

Also, to have an unlimited supply is not ideal. It's true that the team launched great solutions to fight inflation, like the incubator, which leaded Parrot Defi users to burn more than 50% of the circulation supply on both, Arbitrum and IoTeX chains. This time on Polygon, even there will be another incubator and NFTs to be purchased by burning tokens, we have thoroughly designed another key to success, a Dynamic Total Supply.

Dynamic Total Supply means that the circulation supply will never exceed an specific amount. In the unlikely case the amount is reached, farms will stop minting rewards. And The Team will promote more burning mechanisms, to encourage users to burn tokens. Once tokens are burned, rewards will be minted again.

This procedure will help a lot with price stabilization.

Why Presale?

After 2 successful fair launches, Parrot Defi Team believes there is some room for a different approach for the initial distribution of the tokens.

This time the team wants to give the early comers the option to buy it all at the same price to prevent speculation.

Presale is going to be limited to $10k and 100% of the funds are allocated to supply Liquidity.

This small presale will benefit users, as it will offer a decent amount of initial liquidity.

Presale details

Hard Cap $10,000 Presale Token Price $5 Presale Supply 2,000 pPEGG Initial Liquidity 100% of the funds raised ($10k) Min contribution $50 Max contribution $500


FARMS (LP Pools) pPEGG-Matic 0% pPEGG-USDC 0% WMATIC-USDC 2.9%

STAKE (Single Pools) pPEGG 0% ETH 2.9% USDC 2.9% Matic 2.9%

Launching Schedule

Presale: Tuesday Nov 02 2021 at 12:00 UTC

Trading starts: Wednesday Nov 03 2021 at 12:00 UTC

Farming starts: Wednesday Nov 03 2021 at 13:00 UTC